Saturday, March 26, 2011

Romance vs. Reality

Hollywood is to blame. They set women up with all of those unrealistic expectations. All those rom-coms with the woman struggeling through her life with obstacles thrown in her way, until she meets prince charming who is going to make everything okay. Of course there is always the little hitch with either another women, some problem or a mis-communication. But it all turns out okay in the end. Nothing like real life. That's the problem. You come to expect that as you plod through the daily grind of your life, some cute guy is just going to come along and make everything alright.
It sucks when you find the guy, imagine thousnds of scenarios that end in "the kiss" or him sweeping you off your feet. But realtiy strikes and you realise that he doesn't even know your alive. He has a girlfriend. The high maintenance bitch who is not nice to him and enjoys making your life hell. Or he is crushing on your friend. Perving on some backpacker whatever!
Does Hollywood need to get real or do we? The Breakup with Jen and Vince was real. They didn't get back together. How many women sat through that thinking "I hope they get back together - they make such a cute couple!"
People want to be in a community, they want to be in a couple. They want to find another person that understands them, makes them happy (is good in bed) the yin and yang. We work better that way. When you don't have that, you want it so much more.
But what can you do? Stalk someone and hope they give in? Not too many Hollywood movies based on that theory.
So I sit here, waiting for my Prince Charming.


Boys are stupid. (but they are so worth it!)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Haven't blogged for a while. Had computer problems, and whenever I think about it, it makes me soooo mad.
Altho it is good to have amazing friends who loan you a laptop to get assignments done, and try to fix your broken one.
After a week, I am still happy with me Acer desktop and HP netbook. Everything is going good there.
Happy Computing!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

3D dont

What is it with all of these movie peoples thinking that all movies should be 3D?! What is going on?
So sick of it, lik eit is some big draw card. I think it puts you off watching it, seeing stuff "flying" at you. Wow, so 70's! why is it such a big fricken deal these days??
To: Movies Exec;
Stop, no more. get over yourselves.
We pay $16 + for a movie ticket, dont need to wear stupid glasses and see stuff slightly blurry just so we can pretend we are about to be hit by something. Will just ask the person next to me to throw popcorn at me if I feel the need.

Friday, August 20, 2010


When you would prefer to do the dishes than do your assignment :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Just lost my cat....., and found her again.

The cat was supposed to be out in the backyard. She gets dinner at 6.30, but she can start meowing for it any time from 5.30 onwards! Approaching 6.30, I thought it odd that she was not at the back door demanding her dinner. Go to the door, and open it. Normally she comes running. Nothing. Open the door and call her name. Nothing, step outside, still calling her name, and walk around the small courtyard. She is not there. Panic and Anger. She snuck under the side fence last week, walked down the ally and to the front of the unit. Found her in the front yard. She knew she was in trouble, and got inside quick smart. So this time, check out the ally way. Nothing. Check the front carport. Nothing. Looked through the front bushes. Nothing. Panic! Looked for the next 15mins. Nothing. Went inside to check at the back door. Nothing. Out again and down the driveway to the road. Nothing. Ask the neighbours. Nothing. Back up to the other units. Nothing. Went inside again, to the back door, and there she is. She waltzes in with a look on her face as if to say "Where have you been, it's dinner time!"
Gave her a big hug, and fed her dinner!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Don't you hate it when something gets into your head, and that is all you think about. Something got into my brain on Thursday and Friday, and all weekend, that is what I have thought of.
Its something good, but sad as well.
Stupid brain, turn off, think of something else.
Bloody DIPI principle. It's not dangerous, a bit interesting and important, but extremely pleasurable, which explains why it is stuck in my conscious.
Oh well.